Welcome to a new competition.
Whatever I’m asking myself, not even a robot could do.
I can’t help myself.
Don’t you dare come and cry in my apartment.
I feel like cutting the breaks.
Can you take my naked pictures and keep all my secrets?
An appetite for all the wrong things at the right times.
I have no strings but this controls me.
Geppetto has me by the neck, but I’d be Pinocchio if I said I didn’t love it.
With my heart on my sleeve, I’m making mistakes.
Leave me how you found me.
I bet you don’t feel very sober now.
I’m holding my breath till something changes.
We deserve a gold star for all these difficult situations.
These seroquel dreams are finally catching up to my psychotic schemes and I feel like I’m getting dinner a show.
You hate the club?
So do I.
Let’s get out of here.
I know a place where you’re a cut above the rest.